Photo of Endorser

"Amy Sangiolo is a dedicated public servant who will deliver results for the 11th Middlesex District. Amy will be the strong partner our administration needs to tackle housing affordability, protect our environment, and invest in our schools. We're proud to support her campaign.”

Maura Healey, governor, and kim driscoll, lieutenant governor

Photo of Endorser

"I am proud to support Amy Sangiolo for State Representative for the 11th Middlesex District. Amy has dedicated her career to public service, including serving two decades on the Newton City Council, helping residents navigate local government, and as a consumer advocate in the Attorney General's Office, fighting to keep families in their homes from foreclosure and eviction. She is passionate about helping people, working collaboratively at all levels of government, and advancing solutions to the Commonwealth's most pressing issues. She will continue this leadership as State Representative for the 11th Middlesex District."

andrea joy campbell, attorney general

Photo of Endorser

“Amy Sangiolo has a 20 year record of being a progressive champion of local action on climate change, affordable housing, government transparency, and constituent services. I am proud to endorse her candidacy for the Middlesex 11th District and look forward to working with her to advance the public good.”

Ed Markey, US Senator

Photo of Endorser

"Having served alongside Amy on the Newton City Council, I've seen firsthand how she tackles the tough issues. Amy takes the time to keep constituents informed,  listens to opposing views, and delivers results. She has been a strong voice for our community for decades and will be an excellent advocate at the State House."

jake auchincloss, us representative

Photo of Endorser

"I am thrilled to endorse Amy Mah Sangiolo for state representative. Amy has been an active member of our community and I know she will be a great partner in representing the residents of Newton on Beacon Hill."

Cynthia Stone Creem, State Senate majority leader

Photo of Endorser

"Amy is a qualified, professional and hard worker that will bring a much needed perspective to the statehouse."

Lydia Edwards, State senator

Photo of Endorser

I’m thrilled to have the endorsement of State Representative Kay Khan! We are so grateful for her years of dedicated service to Newton.

kay khan, State representative

Photo of Endorser

I’m thrilled to have the endorsement of State Representative Ruth Balser! We are so grateful for her years of dedicated service to Newton.

ruth balser, state representative

Photo of Endorser

"With her demonstrated effectiveness as a City Councilor and her history of providing outstanding constituent services, Amy will be the best possible successor to Representative Kay Khan."

Steve Grossman, former state treasurer & Dr. barbara W. grossman, Tufts University

Photo of Endorser

“Amy will do a superb job as our next state representative. She is passionate, tenacious, and has a proven track record of service to our city. Please join me in voting for Amy!”

Marc laredo, city Council President

Photo of Endorser

“I worked with Amy for 8 years on the Newton City Council and I’m excited about her candidacy because she brings passion, commitment, and hard work to the campaign. Amy was always someone I could discuss issues with and her insights helped make me smarter. Her communication with colleagues and constituents was thorough, and she had the interpersonal skills to understand when to push, when to back off, and when to close the deal. She’ll deliver for her constituents because she’ll work well with colleagues. It’s often the soft skills that make the difference, and Amy has them.”

David Kalis, city council vice president

Photo of Endorser

"Amy will make an excellent state representative. She understands the needs and values of Newton residents. She has also been a fierce advocate for protecting our environment from the harmful effects of climate change. I fully endorse her candidacy, and look forward to partnering with her in the near future."

Tarik Lucas, Ward 2 City Councilor

Photo of Endorser

"There's no role more important for elected representatives than keeping residents informed and there's no one that does a better job at that than Amy Sangiolo. From her longstanding newsletter to her founding of and contributing to Fig City News, Amy has a proven track record of going the extra mile to keep residents - and elected officials - in the loop. I'm thrilled to support Amy and am confident she will be an effective advocate for Newton at the State House."

David Micley, Ward 2 City Councilor

Photo of Endorser

"I've known Amy for 30 years as a committed advocate for our community. Amy supports affordable housing, recognizes arts and culture as a key component and economic engine for our city and the state, and will support greater investment in programs and services to help with mental health and addiction challenges."

Andrea Kelley, Ward 3 City Councilor

Photo of Endorser

"I served with Amy for 20 years on the Board of Aldermen/City Council. I can honestly say that no one worked harder on behalf of the people of Newton during those years. She clearly understood the importance of doing her homework on the issues and the need to represent all her constituents. She was always willing to listen to different points of view and treated everyone with the respect they deserve from a public official. I am proud to call her my friend, I am proud to support her for State Representative and I know she will be an outstanding successor to Kay Khan."

Lenny Gentile, Ward 4 city Councilor

Photo of Endorser

"I’ve known Amy for many years and am confident that she will be a passionate advocate for us at the state house as she has been for us here in Newton."

Susan Paley, Lifelong Resident of Newton

Photo of Endorser

"Amy is a proven leader who is well-informed about the impacts of climate change and the protection of our natural resources. Her unwavering commitment to advocate for a rapid transition to clean energy solutions will make her an effective champion for our environment at the State House. That is why I am proud to endorse her campaign for State Representative."

Marcia Cooper, Environmental activist

Photo of Endorser

"Amy Sangiolo is uniquely qualified to serve as a state legislator. As a former elected official in the city of Newton, she understands the functioning of municipal government. In her current role working in the Attorney General’s office, she responds to citizens across the Commonwealth seeking assistance in resolving problems that impede upon their ability to access necessary services such as adequate housing. From these vantage points she will bring knowledge that will enable her to participate in discussions that lead to policies and laws that impact upon and improve the lives of citizens across the Commonwealth as well as offer guidance on how they can best be implemented at the local level."

Josephine McNeil, Co-Chair of u-chan (Uniting citizens for affordable housing in Newton)

Photo of Endorser

"Please accept this official letter of endorsement on behalf of the Newton Police Association for your candidacy to be elected as state representative. Your dedicated service and outstanding contributions to the City of Newton and its citizens reflects your civic commitment. You have proven time and again that you not only understand the needs of the residents of this great city, but also that you will work tirelessly to make sure that those needs are met. The Newton Police Association can attest to the outstanding services you have provided this city, and we are proud to stand with you as you seek election to the 11th Middlesex District House seat."

President john panica, newton police association

Photo of Endorser

"Newton Firefighters Association Local 863 has unanimously voted to endorse Amy Sangiolo for Massachusetts State Representative. Amy is a past member of the Newton City Council and has been a dear friend and ally of the Newton Firefighters for over 20 years. On the local level, Amy has always been there for the Newton Firefighter’s and is ready to get work done for us whenever we call, and we know she will bring that same success to the Massachusetts House of Representatives. She has a great understanding of the issues relevant to firefighters at the local level, as well as how a representative of the house can be a stronger advocate for these issues. We are confident that Amy will work tirelessly to protect our benefits and healthcare, push for more funding for our local departments, and make sure our members have the safety and training that they need."

President Marc Rizza, Newton FireFighters Association local 863

Photo of Endorser

"The Sierra Club is proud to endorse Amy as a candidate for the Massachusetts House of Representatives. With her rich background in environmental law and her extensive experience in legislative work with key national organizations, Amy Sangiolo has demonstrated her passion for protecting the planet by supporting a wide range of ecological reform initiatives, including environmental protection, affordable housing, and other progressive issues. She shows unwavering dedication to the communities she serves and acts on a platform of transparency, accountability, and constituent service."

celia doremus, Political Committee Chair of the MA sierra club

Photo of Endorser

"The MWPC PAC is proud to endorse Amy Sangiolo for State Representative in the 11th Middlesex District. We need strong leaders like Amy Sangiolo who recognize that transparency in government is critical, while also embodying our core values of representative governance, civil rights, and women’s reproductive freedom. A vote for Amy Sangiolo is a vote for our state’s brighter future."

Shannon Montanez, Chair of the MWPC PAC Board of Directors

Photo of Endorser

“Our members fully understand the importance of electing candidates who support the rights and advancement of people historically marginalized because of their race, gender, sexuality, place of birth, or economic status. That is why we are proud to ask voters in their districts to support the following candidates on September 3, and help make the great state of Massachusetts an even better place for everyone.”

Roxana Rivera, 32BJ SEIU Assistant to the President and head of the union in MA

Photo of Endorser

"Massachusetts Voters for Animals is the nonpartisan political arm of the animal protection movement... We support Democrats, Republicans, and Independents based on a single criterion: their support for animal protection."

Massachusetts Voters for Animals

Photo of Endorser

Reproductive Equity Now

We are strongly supporting

Amy for State Representative!

Dozens of local leaders are standing together!

Photo of Deborah Goldberg

Deborah Goldberg

State Treasurer

Photo of Lisle Baker

Lisle Baker

city council President Emeritus

Photo of Alison Leary

Alison Leary

Ward 1 City Councilor

Photo of <p>John Oliver</p>

John Oliver

Ward 1 City Councilor

Photo of <p>Julia Malakie</p>

Julia Malakie

Ward 3 City CounCilor

Photo of <p>Pam Wright</p>

Pam Wright

Ward 3 City council0r

Photo of <p>Josh Krintzman</p>

Josh Krintzman

Ward 4 City Councilor

Photo of <p>Randy Block</p>

Randy Block

Ward 4 city councilor

Photo of <p>Rena Getz</p>

Rena Getz

Ward 5 City Councilor

Photo of <p>Alan Lobovits</p>

Alan Lobovits

Ward 6 City Councilor

Photo of <p>Stephen Farrell</p>

Stephen Farrell

Ward 8 City Councilor

Current Elected Officials

  • Deborah Goldberg, State Treasurer
  • Cynthia Stone Creem, State Senator
  • Marc Laredo, City Council President
  • David Kalis, City Council Vice President
  • Lisle Baker, City Council President Emeritus
  • Alison Leary, Ward 1 City Councilor
  • John Oliver, Ward 1 City Councilor
  • Tarik Lucas, Ward 2 City Councilor
  • David Micley, Ward 2 City Councilor
  • Andrea Kelley, Ward 3 City Councilor
  • Julia Malakie, Ward 3 City Councilor
  • Pam Wright, Ward 3 City Councilor
  • Lenny Gentile, Ward 4 City Councilor
  • Josh Krintzman, Ward 4 City Councilor
  • Randy Block, Ward 4 City Councilor
  • Rena Getz, Ward 5 City Councilor
  • Alan Lobovits, Ward 6 City Councilor
  • Stephen Farrell, Ward 8 City Councilor
  • Rajeev Parlikar, Ward 1 School Committee
  • Anping Shen, Ward 3 School Committee
  • Tamika Olszewski, Ward 4 School Committee
  • Emily Prenner, Ward 5 School Committee
  • Paul Levy, Ward 6 School Committee

Former Elected Officials

  • Steve Grossman, State Treasurer and Chairman of the Democratic National Committee
  • Michael Malec, President of the Newton Board of Aldermen
  • John A. Businger, State Representative
  • Peter Harrington, State Representative
  • Bob Gerst, Ward 1 Alderman
  • Steve Linsky, Ward 2 Alderman
  • Paul Snyder, Ward 3 Alderman
  • Barbara Brousal Glaser, Ward 3 Alderman
  • Jay Harney, Ward 4 City Councilor
  • Chris Markiewicz, Ward 4 City Councilor
  • John Stewart, Ward 4 Alderman
  • John Rice, Ward 5 City Councilor
  • Dick Blazar, Ward 6 Alderman
  • Ken Parker, Ward 6 Alderman
  • Robert Gaynor, Alderman
  • Margaret Albright, School Committee
  • Richard Alfred, School Committee
  • Matt Hills, School Committee
  • Patty Kellogg, School Committee
  • Steven Siegel, School Committee

Community Endorsers

  • Bruce Apotheker, Retired Newton Police Lieutenant
  • Tyrone Powell, Retired Newton Police Officer
  • Michelle Luo, President of the Newton Chinese American Association
  • Ralph Abele
  • Richard Alfred
  • Barbara Allaire
  • Mark Alpert
  • Terry Altherr
  • Tricia Amend Bombara
  • Jeffrey Armstrong
  • Annette Ashin
  • Kenneth Ashin
  • Dan Bach
  • Barry Bergman
  • Susan Blandy
  • Judy Boroschek
  • Bill Brandell
  • Kurt Broderick
  • Melissa Brown
  • Nancy Brown
  • Peter Bruce
  • Pam Buccitelli
  • Judi Burten
  • Alan Cai
  • Al Calderone
  • Rob Caruso
  • Melissa Chaikof
  • Betty Chan
  • Stella Chin
  • Sheila Clawson
  • Allan Cole
  • Alison Conant
  • Marcia Cooper
  • Ann Cornaro
  • Chuck Cossaboom
  • Dana D'Agostino
  • Rose Day
  • Allyson Donohoe
  • Beverly Droz 
  • Thomas Droz
  • Susan Eaton
  • Shelah Feiss
  • Howard Fineman
  • Kevin Fitzgerald
  • Susan Fitzgerald
  • Amy Fleming
  • Sally Fleschner
  • George Foord
  • Laura Foote
  • Cheryl Forte
  • Gita Foster
  • Jane Frantz
  • Jeremy Freudberg
  • Eric Friedman
  • Carolyn Gabbay
  • Rich Gallogly
  • Lori Gans
  • Steve Gans
  • Gloria Gavris
  • Daniel Gaynor
  • Jill Geiger
  • Nate Gibson
  • Paul Giragos
  • Ellie Goldberg
  • Aaron Goldman
  • Lynn Goldsmith
  • Susan Goodman
  • Maureen Grace
  • Ricky Greenly
  • Rob Greenly
  • Kathleen Grieser
  • Ted Gross
  • Dr. Barbara W. Grossman
  • Jane Hanser
  • Phil Hanser
  • Martha J. Harney
  • John Haworth
  • Kate Haworth
  • Lois Hecht
  • Jeff Hecht
  • David Hedison
  • Susannah Heschel
  • Lara Hocheiser
  • Nancy Horwitz
  • Margaret Howard
  • Cyrisse Jaffee
  • Julie Jakubowski
  • Barbara John
  • Jerry Joyce
  • Peter Karg
  • Bonnie Katz
  • Diane Kemsley
  • Allison Kessler
  • Meryl Kessler
  • Anna King
  • Mitchell King
  • Anya Kopinja
  • Alan Kovacs
  • Carol Krems
  • Ken Krems
  • Joyce Krensky
  • Ted Kuklinski
  • Matt Lai
  • Kathy Laufer
  • Lisa Levine
  • Richard Levine
  • Doris Lewis
  • Fred Lewis
  • Mary Lewis
  • Janet Linder
  • Lauren Lipcon Dale
  • Sallee Lipshutz
  • Bara Litman Pike
  • Renande Loayza
  • Patricia Loewy
  • Amanda Loftus
  • Barbara G. Love
  • Jack Lovett
  • Arlene Lowney
  • Myrna Malec
  • Robyn Maltz
  • Elaine Mandell
  • Marian Mandell
  • Bonnie Margulies
  • Rona Mayor
  • Joan McGrath
  • Carole McElduff
  • John McElduff
  • Josephine McNeil
  • Carie Michael
  • David Michael
  • Michael Milburn
  • Karen Mondell
  • Natalie Moran
  • Yvette Morton
  • Krissy Munroe
  • Naomi Myrvaagnes
  • Audrey Paek
  • Martin Paley
  • Susan Paley
  • Amanda Park
  • Gina Parkinson
  • Ron Parkinson
  • Nathan Persampieri
  • Bob Persons
  • Daniel Pike
  • Chris Pitts
  • Maria Plati
  • Lionel Porter
  • Jack Porter
  • Arrianna Proia
  • Chuck Proia
  • Daniel Proskauer
  • Rebecca Proskauer
  • Lynne White Robbins
  • Rachel Rosenbaum
  • Linda Ross
  • Gary Rucinski
  • Lisa Rucinski
  • Elena S. Rutrick
  • Bill Sage
  • Monica Sangiolo
  • Sharon Sasanow
  • Teresa Sauro
  • Annette Seaward
  • Matt Selig
  • Joel Shames
  • Vin Shelton
  • Donna Sirutis
  • Lynn Slobodin
  • Gayle Smalley
  • Dale Smith
  • Dena Snyder
  • Charlie Stover
  • Kit Stover
  • Ruhina Tahir
  • Joan Talbot
  • Allan Tanzman
  • Irene Tanzman
  • Alvin Taylor
  • Janet Taylor
  • Sanjana Tewari
  • Donna Thayer
  • Tammy Tsikar
  • Dede Vittori
  • Jane Walsh
  • Julie Winsett
  • Keith Worthley
  • Randall Yee
  • Rose Yesu
  • Liz Zelnick